North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society

Minutes of the Business Meeting October 29, 2004

Olin-Rice Science Center, Macalester College

St. Paul, MN

Called to order at 1:15 PM by Irene Patrek, NCCHPS President.

Note:  A copy of the business meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

1.)     The Chapter recognized and thanked the vendors who sponsored the Fall Meeting:
- Dale Elmore with Canberra Industries
- Tom Chwierut with Global Dosimetry
- Kelly Cherwin with the Illinois Institute of Technology
- Gary Beardman with Landauer, Inc

2.)     The Spring Business Meeting minutes from April 30, 2004 were distributed by e-mail and posted on the website.  The minutes were accepted as written.

3.)     The secretary/treasurers report was presented.

As of October 27, 2004:




Money Market Fund:


Total NCCHPS Funds:




Membership Data:



109 Full Members


 1 New member since last spring


14 Emeritus Members


No Student Member


17 Affiliate Members


One new affiliate members since last spring

89% of the members have paid 2004 dues

4.)     This year, the affiliate count stands at 17.  The complete Affiliate Member Report is on file with the secretary/treasurer.

5.)     The executive council approved and recognized one new individual membership received in the last six months.  The new member is; Jason H. Hunt, State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, Madison, WI.

6.)   Continuing Education Credits for both the spring chapter meeting are approved and the course number is 2004-04-009.  Ken Kerns has applied for fall meeting credits through.  Irene told members present that the president would apply or send information to other professional organizations for credit at the members’ request.

7.)        Heather McCollor and Wayne Wolsey of Macalester College, our fall meeting hosts, were recognized and thanked by the Chapter.

Old Business

1.)    As of the meeting date, no applications for Science Teacher Award (STA) have been submitted.  Cynthia Horn, chair for the STA, has stepped down due to job demands.  Cynthia also suggested that we redesign the Award application into a question and answer format instead of the lengthy dialog/description we now use.  Irene asked the membership for someone to step forward as the new STA chair.

2.)    Jan Braun updated us on Venues issues.  Minneapolis will be the site of the 2009 national convention running from July 16 through July 19.  The Hilton will be the convention hotel and a new section of the Minneapolis Convention Center will host our activities.  We will begin planning sometime in the latter half of 2007.

3.)        George Johns gave us an update on Minnesota’s progress toward agreement state status.  There have been some minor setback but we are looking at September of 2005 for the change over.  The department is also completely revising x-ray regulation 4370.  The final date of the new revision is unknown at this time.

4.)    Mike and Chuck reported on HDER.  Apparently, there is some confusion as to contacts for each state.  Brian Vetter agreed to be the representative for the chapter and will work on contacts for the Dakota’s and Wisconsin.  Mike also discussed the HDER meeting held during the conference in Washington, DC.

5.)    Mike gave the group a detailed synopsis of the upcoming Science Teacher Workshop.  The five instructors at tomorrow’s workshop are Duane Hall, Kimberly Knight-Wiegert, Mike Lewandowski, Marc Martz and Dan Miron.

 New Business

1.)    Irene discussed and solicited nominations for HPS awards and offices.  She also reviewed current chapter committee assignments of many of our members at both the local and national level.

2.)    New HPS Award:  Dr. Ken Kase recently distributed a letter to the chapters announcing a new Student Science award offer by the HPS.  This information should be distributed to schools in your area.

3.)    Keith Dinger has developed a new initiative where the congressional liaison office charts legislative activity and can then send this activity to the chapters for their particular state or states.  The executive council thinks this is a worthwhile service and as Keith to continue with these efforts.

4.)    Irene asked the membership to step forward and identify individuals for next year’s chapter officers.  Members should contact her with their nominations.

5.)    Irene solicited the meeting attendees for a spring meeting location.  The executive council has received an offer from Bruce Thomadsen at UW Madison to host the spring meeting.  Jeff Brunette will verify this with Bruce but we can tentatively plan on meeting in Madison.

6.)    The recipient of this years Chapter Award for outstanding service and effort was awarded to Chris Kessler for his Affiliate Coordinator efforts.

7.)    Irene reported on the State of the Chapter commenting that we were in good shape and moving forward nicely on items such as the science teacher workshops.  The gavel was then turned over to Ken Kerns who presented Irene with her Presidents Plaque.

Other Business


The meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer

NCCHPS Business Meeting

October 29, 2004

Macalester College

Olin-Rice Science Center

St. Paul, Minnesota


  1. Call to order

  2. Review minutes of April 30, 2004 meeting.

  3. Secretary/Treasurer Report

  4. Affiliate Coordinator Report

  5. Executive Council Meeting Report

  6. Recognize any new members present
    Jason Hunt

  7.  Recognition of HPS award recipients.

Old Business


  1. Science & Education Committee update
    Science Teacher Award

  2. Ad hoc Local Arrangements Committee update

  3. Other old business

 New Business


  1. Science Teacher workshop

  2. NCCHPS committee assignments

  3. Chapter Award

  4. Spring meeting location

  5. Nominations for Chapter officers

  6. Other

  7. State of the Chapter